


Murmurs #2: Two precious assets

A healthy body and a happy mood are the two most important things for me. Let me tell you why. Five years ago, I weighed about 79 kg, and I was very fat. My BMI was about 30 and my waist was over 90 cm.  Although I was eating the same diet as before, and occasionally running and exercising, my weight still skyrocketed. My job that have provided me with a free health check every few years. According to the results of the check-up at that time, my blood sugar was at a prediabetes level. If I didn't lose weight and exercise immediately, I was going to get Type 2 diabetes within 5 years. I asked my doctor what I should do. He said that I had to lose weight and exercise, and eat fewer carbs.  I should eat only one bowl of rice per day at most. At the time, I was a little bit worried.  Because my grandfather suffered from diabetes for a long time and later passed away. I remember that he liked eating fried rice noodles very much, and I like it as well. My father passed away in ...


碎碎念 #2: 兩樣珍貴的資產

Murmurs #1: The best gift is companionship

碎碎念 #1: 最好的禮物是陪伴